Toilet paper…mmmm…well I
was reading the packaging! This particular brand was made with recycled paper,
and with a percentage of sales proceeds going to third world water projects—but
it was the catchy brand name that got my attention!
(sorry, I’d better not
print it) I am a bit of a sucker for packaging and good marketing skills, I
find it interesting, I know I’m being sold something, yet I appreciate that the
seller has done a good job. Advertising is powerful tool, because it feeds
ideas and possibilities into our mind. Funny, how we often tell someone to ‘be
mindful’ about a situation or circumstance. We mean, be careful, consider
things, take various factors into consideration…think about it, thepossible
options and outcomes. It’s a bit of a reminder of the power of our mind! What
we are dwelling on, thinking about, the way we are seeing things in our life
affects our decisions, our behaviour, and our reactions to people and life
situations. All kinds of thoughts and scenarios invade our mind, and it can be
busy up there! Advertisers know the power or suggestion, repetition, packaging,
or the presentation of facts in a certain way designed to influence our
thinking and therefore our choices. Obviously, we are absorbing all kinds of
information, filtering it, and making our choices. Actually, it’s an amazingly
powerful gift, this power of choice…but so is being ‘mindful’. Yes, we can
choose what we are thinking about…