It doesn’t matter what everyone else is saying or doing…I’m blessed! I have such a sense of expectancy for this year, miracles, answered prayers…God does unusual things in his own way, because he is supernatural. He says good things happen, not by might, trying, striving etc., not even by power, but by his spirit at work in us. Well, I reckon I’m blessed, and my family is blessed, in fact, all of my circumstances are blessed…it’s relentless.I don’t want to allow negative reports or difficult situations to dictate my responses in this new year. As the children of God, we don’t have to live in reaction to the world around us. We are relentlessly blessed, the good things of God belong to us, he will never stoppouring out his Grace for us and for what he is calling us into in the year ahead. Grace works in each season, and we can experience this heavenly touch in many different ways. I guess I’m just thinking about the blessing of beginning this year knowing who I am and what belongs to me according to the heart of my good, good, Father. I am blessed.