One of my wise friends puts it, ‘we
can’t stop the birds flying over our head, but we can stop them from building a
nest in our hair!’ God tells us to think about good things…He doesn’t mean
become an ostrich, opting out of life with our head putting our head in the
sand. Of course, there are many things that are not good that require our
attention at times. He is talking about being mindful of what we are dwelling
on, what we are allowing to speak into our mind and therefore our life, what we
are letting dictate to us and affect our choices and responses.We can choose
what to fill our minds with. God’s plan is that we would choose to think about
his truths, his good promises, who he is—our loving, good, good, Father and
therefore who we are—those loved by him. He doesn’t want us to be bullied and
pushed around by the opinions of others, adverse circumstances, or changing
world views and opinions.