God promises blessings down through the generations for those who trust him. He promises his presence and his courage. He promises grace, rescue and redemption… power and provision… the very smile of heaven. This promise is for you… God keeps every one of his promises for ever. Jesus is a promise, a promise fulfilled, the rescue mission of God. The way home to the heart of our heavenly Father through faith in his son, a complete, finished work on the cross. Now the fruit of the promise is seen in freedom from fear and condemnation for those who receive. This promise is for you, it’s given, but it needs to be received. Mmmm… how do we receive a promise? The simple answer is to just say ‘yes!’ For those living before the cross, it was a long wait, but in our day, all of God’s promises are found in Jesus. Now, I believe that to be true, however, there are some promises for my life I’ve yet to see manifest. Seems in this two-way interaction regarding the promises of God, that there’s a trust moment on our side. This promise is for you… sometimes we’ve just got to believe for it by faith (confident hope that God means what he says) and receiving can look a lot like holding on tight to whatever God has said. There might be opposition, you know, those ‘naysayers’, negative words or circumstances, it can look like nothing’s happening and we can be uncomfortable, stressed, tired, even sad… but, this promise is for you. How do we hold on? I mean, sometimes we feel like giving up. I reckon that if all God’s promises are ‘yes’ and ‘so be it’ in Jesus, then maybe holding tight to God’s promises is about simply seeing who Jesus is. Oh, nice, he’s the one always doing good, healing, loving, smiling, willing… this promise is for you.