
Our Life Story With God

People delighting in Jesus and in each other, growth, and even an impromptu riverside baptism. Seeds sown, and now…good fruit. Sometimes we have to look to see…what do I have? Oh, I know, there’s that old saying… ‘count your blessings, name them one by one…

But, I like fruit…fresh fruit, new fruits, abundant fruit…evidence of the good seed sown and nurtured with love. Fruit, it carries the promise of still more good things to come in the flourishing garden of our life story with God. You know, the rest of that old saying… ‘then you’ll see what God has done…’ His fruitfulness in us and through us. Amazingly, by his grace, God can produce good fruit from our life despite our weaknesses and mistakes. Grace fruit. In his grace and kindness, he doesn’t pin us down to the point of failure, he keeps on producing something good. Let’s lift up our heads and take a look around. What do I have?... What do you have? Oh! Fresh fruit salad.