
What is Jesus purpose in teaching in parables?

After Jesus has taught in parables he says "He who has a hearing ear  let him hear" (Mark 4:9, 23, 7:16). Many do not have a hearing ear. They hear the parables but they do not understand the meaning and they do not want to understand. Others though not understanding the meaning want to understand. They ask Jesus and discover the meaning (Mark 4:10-11, 7:17). Generally the disciples also do not understand but they ask Jesus (Mark 4:10, 7:17-18). Others by not asking remain "outside" (Mark 4:11).

         What is Jesus purpose in teaching in parables?

Jesus purpose is to reveal the truth about the kingdom of God. To those who want to learn the truth the parables reveal it, but they must ask. Then it was necessary to ask Jesus. Now we must ask the Holy Spirit.

But Jesus knows that not everyone is interested in learning the truth. Many only want to see miracles but they do not want to learn about God. To such people a parable is only a story. On one occasion Jesus told the parable of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32). We know that this parable teaches about God's great love and grace but many of those listening to Jesus this parable is only a story about a father and his two sons. They hear the parable but do not understand the meaning. Jesus parables hide the truth from such hearers.

                  In that case why does Jesus not teach in plain language?

Why does Jesus use parables? Did Jesus come into this world to hide the truth? The parables do indeed hide the truth from some but it is not Jesus  purpose to hide the truth. To others the parables reveal the truth. To those who want to know the truth the parables make the truth clear but from those who do not want to know the truth the parables hide the truth. Through Jesus parables people can discover the truth but he does not compel people to accept the truth. A parables is a test. Does a person want to know the truth or not? In order to obtain the answer to this question Jesus teaches in parables.

 True or False?

1.         Most people easily understood Jesus parables
2.         When Jesus taught he always used parables.
3.         Many heard but did not truly understand Jesus parables.
4.         Only Jesus twelve disciples asked about the parables.
5.         By using parables Jesus revealed the truth.
6.         By using parables Jesus hid the truth.
7.         By using parables Jesus wanted to hide the truth.
8.         Only with spiritual insight is it possible to understand the meaning of Jesus parables.