
It Seems To Me

  • Funny, how we can seem to randomly run into someone, sometime, who says something that simply resonates exactly with what we’ve already been thinking. Yesterday, we met with an old friend chatting about another friend who had made an amazing recovery from potentially debilitating injuries. Apparently, a key in his return to health, active lifestyle, and almost full recovery, was hearing a ‘chance’ phrase from someone else… ‘look at what you have, and not at what you don’t have.’ Mmmm…well, sometimes our circumstances can look pretty ordinary, and it’s easy to become sad and discouraged. It seems to me, in times like this, that God will send some fresh fruit our way! He’ll draw our attention to something good in our life or from our life, friends to encourage us, blessings, joy. Don’t overlook these heaven sent fruit packs…You know, it’s such a privilege to meet with old friends, a turn around a lake in a creaky paddle-boat, shared memories, the innocence of children growing up…a summer riverside camp in inland Australia, muddy river water, massive red gums, cockatoos and galahs, warm evening sunshine, sausages on the BBQ…friendship, laughter, sharing, loving…